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Whitby and Surrounding
Area Bars & Night Clubs
 | Adrenalyn Night Club
- 48 King St. E. Oshawa, ON - 411
 | Atria -59 King St. E. Oshawa,
ON - 579-5777
 | Bald Monkey - 394 Simcoe St.
S. Oshawa, ON - 571-7771
 | Belamy’s - 1051 Simcoe
St., N. Oshawa, ON - 436-0755
 | Belamy’s - 15 Thickson Rd.
N. Whitby, ON - 432-1377
 | Banshee Cocktail Bar &
Deli - 50 Taunton Rd, E. Oshawa, ON - 723-2323
 | Classy Q’s -. 129 Brock
St. N. Whitby, ON - 430-9165
 | Copperfield’s Restaurant
& Bar - 360 King St. W. Oshawa, ON - 434-4525
 | Corky’s - 799 Park St.
Oshawa, ON - 571-3156
 | The
Corral - 433 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, ON - 571-1422
 | Crow’s Nest - 13 Simcoe
St. N. Oshawa, ON - 571-1422
 | Denny’s Pit Stop - 45
Bloor St. E. Oshawa, ON - 433-0548
 | Don Cherry's - 1600
Champlain Ave. Whitby, ON - 411
 | Down Omer Bar & Grill -
522 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa, ON - 434-1669
 | The Dungeon Concert Hall -
44 Bond St. Oshawa, ON
 | Elusions - 22 Athol St.
Oshawa, ON - 404-2837
 | Excuses - 504 Simcoe St. S.
Oshawa, ON - 432-3755
 | The Fitzrichard Pub
- 575 Thornton Rd. N. Oshawa, ON
 | The Flying Squirrel Emporium
- 633 King St. E. 432-1415
 | Hare and the Hound - 15
Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, ON - 576-6139
 | Kaneo - 40 King St. W.
Oshawa, ON - 576-0040
 | Karaoke Sports Bar - 110
Dundas St. W. Whitby, ON - 666-3121
 | Lakeview Chateau - 1160
Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, ON - 434-5264
 | Lion and the Unicorn - 112
Colburn St. E. Whitby, ON - 666-3034
 | Melanie Pringles - 80
Thickson Rd. S. Whitby, ON - 430-1959
 | Mickey Finn’s - 1050
Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, ON - 721-1728
 | O’Tooles - 33 Taunton Rd.
W. Oshawa, ON - 576-0554
 | Park
Place Sports Bar & Grill - 799 Park St. Oshawa,
ON - 571-3156
 | Partners Billiards & Bar
- 1916 Dundas St. E. Whitby, ON
 | Siren - 39 King St. E.
Oshawa, ON - 433-1556
 | Tailgate Charlie’s - 145
King St. W. Oshawa, ON - 723-8003
 | The Tartan - 555 Rossland
Rd. Oshawa, ON - 728-9113
 | Top Shelf Sports Bar and
Grill - 527 Westney Rd S - 428-8555
 | Tiffany’s - 601 Dundas St.
W. Whitby, ON - 666-8888 |
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